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Online modality - Live - Teacher clarifying doubts

Astrologia  mundial  é  para voce, astrólogo, que busca sucesso financeiro e se sente  motivado a _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_generate  riches to your  customers.

Not predicting is already regretting.

leonardo da vinci

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Astrology is not for millionaires,
it's for billionaires

Evangeline Adams
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In the button below, you will be redirected to the payment da registration.  After payment, you will be directed to fill in the enrollment form! Fill carefully! Our Secretary will contact you confirming registration!

There is no longer any justification for describing Astrology as a mantic method. It is on its way to becoming a science.

carl jung


watch o testimony
who already knows the course

If you're looking for an astrology course and you come across the world astrology course with Carlos Fini, I would say you're in luck and you wouldn't miss out.

Denise Pereira

Conectarium astrology


Ricardo Martins

And the great differential of studying with Carlinhos, in addition to his decades-long research work and the seriousness of the work he does, is his transdisciplinary vision that he presents, placing astrology in a contemporary dialogue with other sciences.

Ricardo Martins

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Be an expert in
world astrology

Learn to interpret complex combined methods of prediction in World Astrology, focusing on understanding social events, their perspectives and projections.

You will be able to apply your knowledge in social organizations, investments, individual and/or business consultancy, whether private or governmental.

what will you learn
in this course?

  • Cosmology;

  • History of World Astrology;

  • Planetary Ages;

  • Great Conjunctions;

  • Astrocartography;

  • Planetary Cycles;

  • And much more.


This course is for anyone who:

  • Interested in Astrology, Complex Sciences and Human Sciences;

  • Seeks to expand and deepen their knowledge;

  • Differential search for the professional market;

  • Want to be an astrologer expert in World Astrology.

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  Meet our teacher Carlos Fini

Astronomer by the School of Astrophysics of São Paulo - Ibirapuera. He specialized in Cosmology of Complexity, history of Science and epistemology. Specialist in Virtual Reality simulators aimed at the Study of Science in Synthetic and immersion environments, in particular those of Astronomy, astrophysics and integrated natural sciences with Specialization in courses in the USA at E&S Computer Corporation - Utha University Campus.

Develops content for immersive Digital Planetariums.

Professional Astrologer for over 35 years, founder of the Center for Astrological Research Hermes/SP. 

National and International Congressman of Astrology and Astronomy and Science Museums.

Contact us
(48) 3733-7188 or press here:

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Start date

August 2022


16 months

school day


from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm




100% online


BRL 170.00 enrollment 

BRL 440.00 monthly fee

for you, AstroLink subscriber:

10% off!!

BRL 153.00 enrollment 

BRL 396.00 monthly fee

  • Whatsapp
In the button below, you will be redirected to the payment da registration.  After payment, you will be directed to fill in the enrollment form! Fill carefully! Our Secretary will contact you confirming enrollment!
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Contact us
(48) 3733-7188

  • Whatsapp
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